Monday, April 12, 2010

Fast Forward to April 2010...

April was a "big time" growing month for Micah. We started off the month with his first bottom tooth. Thanks to Daddy's gum massages, he wasn't too fussy with the breakin-in part. Aunt Chooch was the one who spotted it one night while visiting at Nana's house. The second bottom tooth came in that same weekend. Needless to say, he's sporting a nice and sharp pair of chompers. Secondly, it seems he has mastered the rolling over stage-thank goodness, he's been at it since Mid-March. Poor little guy was starting to become frustrated with that arm that kept getting stuck under his tummy. Now he's on to his next stage, sitting... by himself.
Little Miss Mia is growing rapidly! She is turning 2 towards the end of this month. We're excited! Right now she's an avid runner, what seems like sprinting to her, I'm sure. Her dancing and rythm skills are amazing! Let's just say you can tell we're fans of Dancing with the Stars. Her chatter is something that is always fun to listen to, only because half of the time it sounds like something you would here on the other side of the world. Little words in both languages are coming through a lot more often. Our main thing for this month was getting the potty training down and done. For it having been our first potty training student (lol) I think we did pretty well.
Finally, at the beginning of this month Ed was accepted to the Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy program at Arizona State University. Now it's time to work out the final little kinks left in preperation to him going back to school come this Fall. All in all, lots of fun stuff to continue to look forward too! Yay Team!

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