Thursday, September 29, 2011

Things really are BIGGER in TEXAS!

ROAD TRIP!!! And to of all places...we took a, what seemed to be a never ending, drive to the great state of Texas. Whoo-Whee! Were we in for a suprise! We left bright and early...ok so we slept in til 7, but nonetheless, we made it out of the house before noon on Thursday. It took us about 20 hours before we finally made it to our destination of Fort Worth, TX. Ed was going to be recognized by the AAMFT for a program that he developed geared towards helping Latino families that are experiencing difficult times due to divorce. It was really neat because he was 1 of 3 people that was chosen for the award. He also got to experience going to workshops held at the convention center in downtown Fort Worth.

On Friday, we went to the stock yards and got to see the cattle get rounded up at the end of the day by cowboys and explored the down town area. Mia and Micah got balloons from the balloon man on the corner.
Saturday, the kids and myself got to experience the Omni Theatre down the street from the convention center. They absolutely loved it! It was filled with fun things for Mia and Micah to do! Mia enjoyed playing at the small grocery store and with the babies at the mini-hospital they had in there. Micah was loving climbing and playing in the train area and toddler area. Then when we went outside, both of them were extatic about playing with the water gadgets set out there.

Afterwards we took a break and went to have lunch with Daddy. He showed us the cool water reflection area that is across the street from the convention center. It was neat because we were able to walk down on steps to the center of it and be surrounded by what looked like a bowl full of waterfalls. Totally AWESOME!
Following that break, we dropped off Daddy again so that he could finish up his last session of workshops. Meanwhile, we explored our way to the Fort Worth Zoo. Since we watched a movie at the IMAX theatre (Animalopolis) earlier that day, Mia was stoked on finding the lion's cage. It took forever, but when we finally did find it and were able to hear its monstorous ROOOAAAR!!!, just as we approached it.

Then it was that time again...time to pack up and hit the rode. The ride back home Sunday felt a lot shorter then the original trip out to Texas.... isn't it weird how that works? But what made the trip fun was the time we had together and watching our M&M's enjoy everything around them.

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