Thursday, June 24, 2010

Morning Swimming!


Swimming has been so much fun in the mornings! Mia has learned so much from this past month of early morning swim. Her first set of lessons consisted of Mom being in the pool with her and helping her become comfortable with the water by blowing bubbles into the water. It was followed by learning to trust the water and let herself, with my support, float on her back and eventually turning from front to back and back to front. It seemed tricky, but on the last day of the first session she was ready and performed on her own everything she had learned, YAY! Mia!!!
Then came the second session when Mom wouldn't be in the pool holding her anymore. Luckily, a familiar face was in her same group, Eliza! On the first day of that session the two held hands and headed straight to the pool, completely forgetting about us on the sidelines. Since then, Mia has been doing great and growing in her underwater skills. They practice going under water and trying to get a little water stick and bring it back up. Bobbing is one of Mia's favorite things to do because it requires her to jump up and down in the water. The lessons aren't quite over yet, but I figured it'd be a good time to post how she's been doing thus!
Micah's a whole 'nother story on the other side of the pool. He's my real life water baby! My sister in law Johanna comes with us in the mornings and enjoys going in with Micah and floating him across the water. I'm sure if it were up to him, he'd be doing laps on his own. He's a big time splasher and kicker- a definate pro;)

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